What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?
A neuropsychological evaluation typically involves assessment (testing) using standardized tests that are sensitive to the effects of brain dysfunction. Unlike CT or MRI scans, which show abnormalities in the structure of the brain, or EEG, which shows electrical abnormalities in the brain, neuropsychological assessment is used to show how the brain is functioning through the performance of various cognitive tasks such as attention, memory, learning, and problem solving tasks. Therefore, neuropsychological assessment can reveal or diagnose brain dysfunction when no structural brain abnormalities can be seen on CT or MRI scans. Furthermore, when structural abnormalities have been found, neuropsychological assessment provides a way to determine what functions may be impaired because of the structural defects and to determine the degree to which they may be impaired. That information is then used to assist in the development of intervention or rehabilitation plans.
News //
Concussion Injuries
July 12, 2015
A concussion is a disturbance in brain function caused by a direct or indirect force to the head.
It results in a variety of non-specific signs and/or symptoms (like those listed below) and most
often does not involve loss of consciousness. Concussion should be suspected in the presence
of any one or more of the following:
- Symptoms (e.g., headache), or
- Physical signs (e.g., unsteadiness), or
- Impaired brain function (e.g. confusion) or
- Abnormal behaviour (e.g., change in personality).
Alzheimer's Desease
July 12, 2015
Neuropsychological evaluation is the most sensitive early indicator for diagnosis of possible Alzheimers Dementia.
ADHD Diagnosis
July 12, 2015
Neuropaychological evaluation can be very helpful for maximizing your child's ADHD treatment.
Why have I been referred for a Neurosychological Evaluation?

What You Need to Know
Before Choosing a Neuropsychologist: